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We noticed everywhere that child marriage, child labourer, avoiding girl child, oppression to the wives & for dowry has been increasing day by day. We are a panic, sticker, thinking for the future generation. Therefore we decided not to stand still. We should stand beside all the women, children & society. We should show the way to the women how to earn money from home. We should help them to get rid of diseases & weak mentality.

For this purpose, we need unity & a union. We built that society to the women to do the job like tailoring, making puffed rice, poultry farming, making the pills from pulse etc to develop their financial condition. For the development of the downtrodden, we have to organize health, law education camp. Thus we can remove their disease weakness & ignorant. If we are able to remove these, the deep-rooted problems like child marriage, the murder of daughter facets, child labourer will surely be stopped. Besides we should save nature by stopping environment pollution for which cycle of the season has been lost. As a result, farming has been disrupted. We need a huge number of tree plantation to make our nature pollution free. We will go forward to fulfil our goal. We are taking an oath to do so. es the above-mentioned jobs.

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