


There was a long term problem of the nearby villages of Vill – Napara, P.S. – Mayureswar, Dist – Birbhum regarding burning ghats. To remove this problem N.M.K.S collected donation from the villagers and set up a concrete burning ghat to the outskirts of Napara village.

N.M.K.S prevents child marriage. The members of N.M.K.S with the help of Birbhum district administrations saved such girls and took them to a home to give the safety.

Picture of establishing series latrine at Raipur ( Suarez System Latrine ).

Poor and needy housewives are taking the training of tailoring at the office of N.M.K.S. at Kotasur.

Poor and needy housewives who have been suffering from a family dispute are explaining their complaint to the sister of ‘ N.M.K.S’.

Picture of the giving away of chicken to the poor villagers so that they can be financially stable (sponsored by N.M.K.S).

Poor women made Papaya garden tree in the abandoned land using wastewater from houses.

Rearing of cows and goats by poor villagers (sponsored by N.M.K.S.).

A clean and clear pond at Majiara, Murshidabad made by N.M.K.S to trend fisheries to the poor fishermen of the village.

Making of bio-gas plant in the poor farmer families to supply bio-manure and fuel for low cost (organized by N.M.K.S).

Picture of Bio-gas.

Picture of Amantran Canteen, Suri Sadar Hospital. They cook by using Latrine gas digester.

Executive Director of N.M.K.S. Mr. Chandan Babu is explaining about self-help to the women from disadvantages family.

Executive Director of N.M.K.S Chandan Babu is Campaigning with gas (Latrine gas) and oven that will curb pollution.

Latrine gas at Suri Sadar Hospital – N.M.K.S has established this pollution free Latrine gas With the financial help of Birbhum Zilla Parishad.

Giving away of Pressure Cooker to Suri Sadar Hospital and Suri Correctional Home. It helps the institutions to reduce fuel cost. (Funding by BZP.)

District Level and the Executive Director of N.M.K.S. are visiting family type Latrine within the area of Mayureswar-II Block.

Assembly of N.M.K.S with the Helth Checkup of Birbhum district at Noapara, Birbhum.

Picture of village women with the Health officer of the district of Birbhum. Door to door health.

IAS officer Mr. Raju Mishra and Project co-ordinator of N.M.K.S Mr.Kebir Sk are visiting the Latrine made by N.M.K.S.

Assembly of N.M.K.S with the Helth Checkup of Birbhum district at Noapara, Birbhum.

Discussing the utility of Latrine in an open ground with Block Level officer and the members of N.M.K.S.

Picture from the paper cut of health awareness camp by N.MK.S.

Picture of Bio-gas at the birthplace of God Nityananda Mahaprabhu at Birchandrapur, Birbhum. It was set up by N.M.K.S.

A food stall at Noapara, Birbhum, W.B. is being visited by the D.M. of Birbhum District. They cook food using pollution-free Latrine gas. (Organized by N.M.K.S.)

N.M.K.S is making feast time to time to distribute belly full of food to the poor villagers at Noapara, Birbhum.

Discussing the utility of Latrine in an open ground with Block Level officer and the members of N.M.K.S.

The poor villagers of different villages of Birbhum district using Latrine with the help of N.M.K.S and with the financial help of S.B.M Fund.

A round table discussion with the members of the Branch office of N.M.K.S, Noapara, Birbhum, W.B. to make leader from as many villages as possible for Social work.

A health and education awareness camp at Mayureswar, Birbhum, organized by N.M.K.S have gathered hundreds of women from a poor minority community.

A financial awareness camp at salar, Murshidabad, organized by N.M.K.S where gathered hundreds of women from a poor minority community.

Giving away of clothes to the poor villagers at Noapara, Birbhum during Durga Puja, Distributed by N.M.K.S.

Awareness through staging dramas in different villages to avoid superstitions like witch killing and so on.

Celebration of international women’s Day at vill – Serunia, P.O- Satpalsa, Birbhum by N.M.K.S in 2018, where gathered hundreds of women.

Distribution of Sanitary Napkin to the needy and poor school girls at different schools of different districts to make the health conscious. They nurture trees in return for which N.M.K.S is doing so with the financial help of Jodo India Foundation, Pune.

Training of stitching and marketing process of women which is directed by PBSSD Utkarsha Bangla and organized by NMKS to learn skillfully work to be able independent. Napara Mahila kalyan Samiti has organized the Raksha Bandhan Utsav with the members of Pusparag Niketan who are the homeless and the women who are desert from their husband.

A little bit help a club through Blood donation for providing blood to the Thalasemia patients which is donated by the workers of the NMKS.

Child marriage is a harmful effect. Dipika Karmakar who read in class 9 forcefully she got married. Her mother wanted her daughter back. NMKS understood her parents about the child marriage and rescued Dipika karmakar from this curse of our society. She is continuing her study.

A football tournament organized by Napara Mahila Kalyan Samiti.

Garbage cleaning campaign and awareness about pollution free nature by NMKS.

Napara Mahila Kalyan Samiti donated clothes to the needy poor people in the occasion of Durga Puja.

NMKS distributed trees for increase the greenery of the nature and send a social message to all.

A scheme named “Uddyog” to help the poor children who are unable to continue their studies for lack of money and many other reason which is inaugurated by our hon’ble judge Mr. Debojyoti Mukherjee.

NMKS organized a law consciousness camp to stop much unsocial and inhuman work where presented the eminent persons including the hon’ble judge Mr. Debojyoti Mukherjee.

NMKS donated sanitary napkin to the needy poor school girls and village girls. To doing this work we are helped by “Jodo India Social Foundation” from Pune.

NMKS organized Mahila Commission to help the women who are harassed by their husbands and physically tourtured. There were presented Mrs. Lina Gangopadhay, the chair person of state women commission.

An awareness meeting is held by NMKS about covid-19 when this fatal virus spread in some country. They arranged with some local people to spread awareness about this killing virus.

Door to door inspection to checkout for any person came from outside and inspect their health. NMKS check every family.

Covid-19 has become a pandemic. Too many poor people are in hunger and they can not income anything in this current situation. NMKS is going to them and donating some essential materials to help this kind of people.